Friday 9 March 2012

Feedback before my final piece

 As I thought I had completed my magazine and it was at it's final stages I wanted to make sure that I had got everything dead on and accurate and that general feedback from people who was not in my class would be well received .
I therefore posted my magazine cover and content page onto my Facebook to ask everyone on there to give me any kind of feedback, I got various feedback about both of them for the front cover. Feedback I got said the colour scheme did not work effectively Move  the masthead for the hand sign to be more displayed

My content page got a lot more comments and attention then my front cover and most people thought it was the selling point of my whole magazine. the feedback said that change the colour scheme as the blue does not work and there are some basic spelling mistakes at bottom of page.

I will take all this feedback into account and change the overall magazine starting with the colour scheme as it is the biggest issue displayed.

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