Friday, 22 June 2012

Introduction to A2 task

For this prelemanary task we are going to be looking at the media representaions of youth and make a short video either showing a positive outlook or a negative outlook upon them.
the planning that will be done is essential to the success of the video we make as it will save vaulable time and confusion within the groups that we are in.
Two types of planning that we are going to do are the following.
  • storyboarding
  • scripting
Storyboarding will let us split the video into around 4-6 different scenes and deicde what kind of content, graphics, sound or actions are taking part within it, it makes it easier to follow how the story will flow when we finally start the filiming process.

Scripting is creating all the dilouge that is said between characters in each scene, it means that we can effectivly act without having to think on our toes of what to say. It may also list any actions that occur in that scene, for example someone falling over.

For this task I was grouped with Danny and Mahdi and our group immediantly started brainstorming for ideas to use. We decided early on that we was going to go for a fairly sterotypical views on different groups of youth and there confrontation with eachother. we therefore thought of two binary opposites of youth to follow Levi Strauss's theory and came to the conclusion of a ganster and a nerd.

We then created are ideas onto a storyboard which we will follow when filming, the basis of the story follow a nerd getting into a fight with a gangster and both of them getting in trouble with a teacher, we plan on showing how one group cares and is deeply effected by this (Nerd), while the other simply doesn't care and sees it as a laugh.

We also scripted what each character was going to say and decided on who could play what character for when we shot the video, this makes it quicker to film so that we can make the most of our time as some of us have different lessons to each other so organistaion is essiential.

Scans of out planning will follow in my next blog post.